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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Employee TimeCard — Remote Work — Geofencing

Employee TimeCard — Remote Work — Geofencing

Employee TimeCard

Employee TimeCard is the perfect solution for business with ONSITE OFFSITE, and MOBILE employees where TIME and LOCATION need to be accounted.

Employee TimeCard collects time and GPS location allowing employers to setup GEOFENCING and confirm the location of their employees as they work onsite, offsite or mobile.

All the information can be seamlessly exported into Email, Excel or QuickBooks for invoicing and reporting purposes.

Trust, Privacy & Accountability

All the data is encrypted and backed by TechnoGems robust infrastructure trusted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, FEMA and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

We respect privacy. Compliant with GDPR and CCPA.

This application balances the right visibility of the workforce and the privacy of the employees. Basically, when the employees are on the clock, their location is logged. If they move out of a specific radius set by the employer, while they are on the clock, the employer is notified. But if they clock-out, immediately the location tracking is stopped.

Many of our customers use this feature for auditing compliance on secure geofencing work area, tax preparation, performance management and fraud or over billing prevention.

How Easy It Is To Get Started


1. Search and Install from the app store “Technogems Timecard”

2. Registration and Email Verification

3. Choose “Corporate User Plan,” system generates a company code

4. Send the company code to your employees

Geofencing old


1. Search and Install from the app store “Technogems Timecard”

2. Registration and Email Verification

3. Employee Registration and Email Verification

4. Employee choose “Basic User Plan” and enter the company code

That’s it. Now, the employer can see, monitor and approve timesheets.

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